Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pencil sketching/shading

Pencil shading

Here are the first few of my sketches.... I do plan to join a class!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My first ever Egyptian painting

I have been dying to do an Egyptian painting since last three years probably. After coming back to India I had decided to join a class to learn the same... But never did.
Finally I decided to do it by myself...

Got some tips from my aunt, downloaded a picture, copied it on a sheet, and started painting... It wasn't until I used the Blue and Green color that the picture got its awesome look! I am in love with those two colors...
After painting the basic I came across the real challenge, outlining with black... I messed up at number of places. Hope no one notices... In the end the picture did turn out to look a nice... thanks to the stunning Green and Blue paint.. Used Fabric colors for the first time and loved them!
Then to finish it I tore the edges of the paper to give it an ancient look... and ... here is my first ever Egyptian painting....!!
This time i did it on paper... next time the plan is to do it on silk... :)